Sunday, April 24, 2011


 Jesus showed his true love to us by going to the cross even though he was powerful enough to say no if he wanted to. All of his followers left him but he still went. Jesus' love for them did not depend on their love for him. He loved them simply because he loved them; and since he loved them (and everybody else) he went to the cross.
When the guards came to arrest Jesus in the garden, all of his disciples fled, but Mark 14:51-52 adds this, "And a certain young man followed with him, having a linen cloth cast about him, over his naked body: and they lay hold on him; but he left the linen cloth, and fled naked." Historically, people think that this young man was Mark. It's like he was taking the opportunity to confess to fleeing from Jesus too, instead of just talking about the disciples' mistakes. It's kind of random, but I just think that's really cool.
By the way, Jesus rose again so he is alive now. :)
Here's an awesome video to watch. It made me really proud to follow Jesus. And it gave me goosebumps :) Please check it out!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Living Simply

I went to a Gungor concert last night. Before the concert, there was a video promoting a cause that builds schools in Africa. It was cool and everything but one line stuck out to me in particular. It said, "Live simply so that others may simply live." I thought that was phrased really well. If only I'd thought of that lol. But it's true. If we just gave a little of what we had to the people around the'd make a big difference.
During one of the main events at Passion conference, Louie Giglio asked us all to give just one dollar to a cause that sends Bibles to people who haven't ever read one before in other countries. We each gave one dollar (or some people gave a few more) but we ended up raising over $22,000 for the cause! That's a huge number. And that's just giving a dollar. If we actually cut back on frills and things and "lived simply" instead of just giving a That could change the world. I'm not good at that yet. I like eating out. I like coffee shops. I like new clothes. I like going to Gungor concerts. However, I think it's important that I start living in moderation so that my money can be used for more important and lasting things.
"Live simply so that others can simply live."
Here's some Gungor to enjoy:)