Monday, January 24, 2011

When to Love Radically

So last night two of my girl friends and I had to do some homework and so at about 10:30 pm we set off for a little cafe near downtown Austin to study and write our papers (boys were going to come but they ended up backing out at the last minute - in the meanwhile, homework had to be done!). While we were there, two older men (37 and 40) came and sat at the booth next to us and began to strike up a conversation. While generally this is not socially acceptable, I personally love it when strangers talk. It makes me feel like the world is more connected and in community than we generally think. I just believe that if we're all humans, why not all be friends instead of all of us living in our own little worlds and constantly missing the fun of the other worlds around us? I don't know if that makes sense but that is why I like it when strangers strike up conversations.
Anyways, we ended up talking to them on and off for about two hours. The subjects of conversation ranged from religion and politics to our favorite movies. The discussions/arguments were heated and opinionated and for not knowing each other, I would say it was one of the most interesting and eye opening conversations I've ever had. I was seriously surprised at how stereotypical and judgmental someone his age could be. It hurt my heart.
Now here is where the question of how to love/live radically comes up. As we were leaving, they were waiting by the side of the road for a cab. It was very cold for a night in Texas and they asked us for a ride home instead of waiting. My friends and I freaked out, said no, hopped in the car and sped away. As a young female college student, is it right for me to withhold love if it is not the safe thing to do? Or should I risk danger so that I can truly love? In this situation, I believe we did the right thing. No middle aged man in his right mind could possibly think that it is socially acceptable to ask girls our age for a ride at 2am. However, in similar situations....I do not know what the answer to this is. I feel as though I should love; but most people do not agree with that.
This is something I have a feeling I will be speculating on every time I am put in a situation where being a young woman makes me hold back Jesus' radical and gritty love...

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