Monday, February 14, 2011

Something I Learned at 2 a.m

I found a new cool verse while reading my Bible for New Testament class. I don't like reading the Bible for class so much because it takes away from the amazing, inspiring, convicting message I usually get from it. It becomes less God's love letter to us, and more the professor's assignment for us. And who likes assignments? But, whether or not it's an assignment, it's still God's word and God was still able to speak to me (it's God; I doubt he found it difficult to do).
Anyways, here is the very cool verse I'd like to share with you. I don't think I've ever heard it before. We always here the one in James 2:17 "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead," but I like this new one as well from Galatians 5:6b "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Amen!! We go to heaven by faith alone, grace alone, Jesus alone; but what is faith without love? Certainly not the kind of faith Jesus talked about having.
Express your faith through love!
Another thought from Francis Chan...when people leave a church, they shouldn't be thinking "Wow, great music," or, "That pastor was wearing a nice tie," or, "Free donuts were a nice touch." No, they should be thinking, "Wow, I have never been in a place seeped in so much love!" People should leave Christian churches completely blown away by the amount of love in them.
Is that how America's churches are? Maybe- I hope so!
But I'm afraid a lot of them are being too distracted by business, church politics, catty drama, or other things when there are people coming into those churches who need to see and feel genuine love.

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Galatians 5:6b

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Cannot Keep You" by Gungor

The lyrics of this song are thought provoking and beautiful. It reminds me that God is not contained by us- he's bigger than our buildings, our circumstances, our idols, our closed minds. And it's comforting to know he's out there with us when we're in the real world; when we're not being sheltered by comfortable church. Also, the community of believers is everywhere! Even if things happen and a church fails or implodes on itself the church of Christ hasn't failed! The business may be done but that community of believers has just been spread out and relocated. Being a Jesus follower has its large, LARGE share of difficulties (persecution, rejection, no earthly security, etc) but you cannot deny its freedom. You can find God in the streets and bars AND the churches.
Enjoy:) And maybe feel a little conviction just to spice things up:)

They tried to keep you in a tent
They could not keep you in a temple
Or any of their idols, to see and understand

We cannot keep you in a church
We cannot keep you in a Bible
Oh it's just another idol to box you in

They could not keep you in their walls
We cannot keep you in ours either
For you are so much greater

Who is like the Lord
The maker of the heavens
Who dwells with the poor
He lifts them from the ashes
And He seats them among princes
Who is like the Lord

We've tried to keep you in our tents
We've tried to keep you in our temples
We've worshiped all our idols
We want all that to end

So we will find you in the streets
And we will find you in the prisons
And even in our Bibles and churches

Who is like the Lord
The maker of the heavens
Who dwells with the poor
He lifts them from the ashes
And He seats them among princes
Who is like the Lord

We cannot contain, cannot contain
The glory of your name
We cannot contain, cannot contain
The glory of your name

We cannot contain, cannot contain
The glory of your name

Who is like the Lord
You took me from the ashes
And you healed me from my blindness
Who is like the Lord

Loving While Hurting

Sometimes I find it hard to distinguish love and...other things. Maybe that means I'm not really feeling love. But then I also believe that maybe love is deeper than just this leaves me confused.
Let me explain.
My dad was asked to resign from his job as a pastor a couple of weeks ago by the board of directors at my church. This past week was his last Sunday as their senior pastor. Honestly, it was like being kicked out of a family. I mean, the church is a family, it's a community, it's a body; so being told to leave hurts. I was very, very angry at the people who caused this to happen. However, last Saturday night, my mom told me to be kind and to show love to those people. Actually, I believe she phrased it "Jesus' love."
I am not sure that I did that. Maybe I did. I did not punch anyone. I did not make any snide comments. I did not call anybody out. (Earlier I had made the argument that Jesus called people out all the time, but my mom quickly told me that in that case I could let Jesus do it.) However, did I show love? I did not seek anyone out to show them that I forgave them. I did not go out of my way to be kind to anyone who I knew did not support my dad.
I think that my actions could be better defined as passive than loving.
But how could I love when I was still so hurt? What does that kind of love look like?
Ok, well while writing that, I realized what it looks like...I wish I would think of things while they were happening so that I could better live them out! I guess that's why the phrase "live and learn" exists. Anyways, here is what I think that love looks like:
"When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals- one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.'" Luke 23:33-34
They didn't just fire Jesus from a job or a family- they were firing him from like, life. And he forgave them. Out loud. While dying. That is some intense stuff.
I think I have forgiven the people who hurt my father. I do not agree with them; I do not support them; but I think I have forgiven them. Jesus is bigger than my situation.
I learned this from Louie Giglio, who in turn learned it from Jesus, but: My circumstance or situation does not affect me being free and alive in Christ.
How cool is that? There is no reason for us to complain anymore. Ever. My dad lost his job? Well I'm free and alive in Christ! I'm stressed and not getting enough sleep? What does that matter when I am free and alive in Christ!
We have the freedom to love. It's not a burden, it's a gift! It's a freedom!
So this is cool. I started this post, confused on how to love someone when you were being hurt by them and Jesus has since answered my question. live it out...